Thursday, December 1, 2011

How Much Do You Know About the Reflection Room?

By 6C Reporters: Alex, Wed, Daniella, Tatiana and Ronja

This is where you sit if you go to the Reflection Room.
The Reflection Room is a place that you go to if you something wrong. Reflection Room is beside Ms. Schäfer's office.

If you go to reflection room too many times, you have to go to a meeting with your parents. Its the mentor who decides if you have to call to the parents. The point with reflection room is that you reflect over what you did. And if you go to reflection room you have to sign what you have did on a paper. Some of those usually sit in reflection room is Ms. Malmsköld, Mr. Roman, and Mr. Baxter.


Ms. Schäfer, the big boss (Principal) of IES Hässelby Strand: The point with reflection room is that the children should tell (reflect on) what they have done.

Ms. Malmsköld, student care team coordinator at IES Hässelby Strand: It varies sometimes there are many children in reflection room and sometimes not. It is the principal who decides if you get kicked out of the school. And it’s the mentor who decides if you call to the parents.

Adam, a student goes at class 6C at IES Hässelby Strand: Adam has been in reflection room two times, one of the times was when a girl hit him, and he hit back. After that Adam ended up to reflection room. The girl did not go there, just Adam. Adam thought that was unfair.

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